Knowledge Center


My Learning Assistant – External Learners

A guide for External Learners on how to take Courses in ecLearn.

My Learning Assistant – Internal Learners

A guide for Internal Learners on how to take a Course in ecLearn.

Creating a Course

To begin creating a Course, open the ecLearn app and navigate to “Courses Administration”, then click “New”. After entering the name for your course, choose the Type “Create My Own”. For instructions on how to upload a course instead, please see . You may fill out any additional information about your course now, and when […]

Uploading a Course

ecLearn supports uploading Courses created using the following standards: To begin importing a course, open the ecLearn app and navigate to “Courses Administration”, then click “New”. After entering the name for your course, choose the Type “Upload”. For instructions on how to create your own course instead, please see . You may fill out any […]

Registering Learners in Courses

To create a Course Registration for a Learner and Course, you must use the Course Access table. Course Access allows a manager to assign one or more courses to one or more learners, and to specify which courses are required or optional. You may use a single Course Access record or multiple to manage Course […]

Taking a course in ecLearn

Learners can launch ecLearn courses from within Dataverse by navigating to their assigned Courses. From the ecLearn app, click “Courses” to see a list of assigned courses. To launch a course, either: Uploaded Courses The process for progressing through custom course in ecLearn depends on the course author who prepared the package. The ecLearn application […]

Monitoring ecLearn Registrations

ecLearn registrations can be tracked over time using the Learner Activity table. ecLearn adds a new record to this table: In order to use Learner Activity tracking, please ensure that “Disable Detailed Learner Activity” is not checked in ecLearn Configuration. Learner Activity Each learner activity tracks the following data: Active Learners To view active learners, […]

Certificates of Achievement

Certificates of Achievement for successfully completing courses in ecLearn is possible with some customization work. The following document will describe how to create a usable certificate of achievement using a Microsoft Word template and a Power Automate Flow. The Certificate Template Any Microsoft Word document will do. The important part of creating the template is […]