Monitoring ecLearn Results

Learners and Managers can monitor ecLearn Course results in multiple ways.

ecLearn Managers have access to a number of views that reveal the results of Learners taking courses, including “Available Courses for Learners”, “Completed Courses for Learners”, and “In Progress Courses for Learners”. These views can be accessed by navigating to Courses in the ecLearn app and selecting the appropriate view. Within these views, managers can see a list of Course Registrations and the current progress of each, including the course marks and pass/fail status for each Learner.

By clicking into a line, managers may also view more detailed results using the “Information” form. This form will reveal data about the Learner’s most recent Course Attempt, as well as provide a list of additional attempts, if any.

In addition to these views, managers have access to the Management Dashboard. This dashboard can be accessed by navigating to Dashboard in the ecLearn app, and selecting the appropriate dashboard.

In this dashboard, managers can see various charts showing progress for courses:

  • Available Required Courses: This chart shows required courses assigned to learners, broken down by status. Courses are either Not Started (“none”), In Progress, or Complete.
  • Available Optional Courses: This chart shows optional courses assigned to learners, also broken down by Not Started, In Progress, or Complete.
  • Learning History: This chart shows the current status of all assigned Courses, also , also broken down by Not Started, In Progress, or Complete.

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